
Passion fruit (also known as passion fruit) is a fruit favored by its characteristic aromatic, sour, sweet taste. The good uses for health, skin will also surprise you…

Improves bone firmness

The magnesium content in passion fruit seeds can help improve bone health. Magnesium helps strengthen bones and prevents age-related problems such as osteoporosis. Eating passion fruit seeds in a controlled manner can help fight weak and brittle bones.

Treatment of external wounds

Passion fruit seeds are used to produce essential oils used in the treatment of wounds. Having anti-inflammatory properties, passion fruit seed oil can help alleviate as well as heal irritation and inflammation caused by external wounds. It also helps restore healthy skin around the injury site.

 Supports heart health

Passion fruit contains a lot of potassium that is beneficial for the heart and also low in sodium. If adding foods with this trait to the diet will help reduce and normalize blood pressure.

Eating whole passion fruit seeds will work to remove excess cholesterol from inside blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Seborrhea control

Seborrhea is the excretion of mucus by the sebaceous glands, located on the skin, ears, scalp,… The accumulation of mucus can cause oily hair and oily skin. Essential oils produced from passion fruit seeds help control sebum and protect the skin from blackheads, acne and dull facial skin.

Prevention of degenerative diseases

Rich in antioxidants, passion fruit seeds help limit the effects of aging. It is used in the prevention of diseases associated with old age such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia and arthritis.

Managing gut health

Red passion fruit seeds are extremely beneficial in improving and maintaining gut health. The insoluble fiber in passion fruit seeds is beneficial for intestinal health, thereby benefiting the entire digestive system. They support the balance of good bacteria in the intestines.

Improves glycemic index

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit with a low glycemic index (GI) value. This means that after eating or drinking passion fruit juice will not raise blood sugar levels. This is a good option for people with diabetes.

Fights chronic diseases

Passion fruit seeds are rich in insoluble fiber that can help protect the body from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes.

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